The Focus Course

Today is Thursday

Get some breathing room in your day and finish the week a winner.

Jumpstart Momentum

There’s a unique challenge that comes with starting over. Regaining lost momentum quickly makes all the difference when it comes to setting a course for success.

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How to Create Transformation

As I type this, I’ve got the Monument Valley soundtrack playing. (Yes, still listening to it.) And I’m writing on my iPad with a new bluetooth clicky keyboard. (More on all of that some other time.) I just recently began reading a small 40-page booklet by Jim Collins. It’s called Turning the Flywheel, and it’s

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A Case for Routine

Even if you’re not a “routine person” there’s a lot to be said for them. Here are five reasons to consider adding routine to your daily and weekly life.

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Finding Clarity Amidst the Chaos

Take control of your schedule and feeling of calm that comes with it instead of feeling like you’re drowning as you are constantly running from thing to thing. Make this the year you make time for what’s important to you.

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