The Focus Course

Today is Thursday

Get some breathing room in your day and finish the week a winner.

Estimating Time for Tasks

This video lesson is from our in-depth Time Management Course. A big part of successful daily planning involves estimating how much you can complete in a given time. Here is how to do that better.

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How to Accomplish Your Most Important Tasks

This video lesson is from our in-depth Time Management Course. Because you are now working from home, it means you are in charge of making sure you do the right work each day. Here is a simple way to keep your days on track, and — probably — to save you time each day.

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Being Productive At Home

This video lesson is from our in-depth Time Management Course. Being productive in the home is not easy. And one of the most important things to understand is this: Having a thriving family dynamic is more valuable than a clean house or a freshly cooked. Do what you need in order to let family come first.

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What's Your Focused Life?

Take our Focus Quiz and find out how to get back more time and do more with your day.

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What's Your Focused Life?

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Take our Focus Quiz and find out how to get back more time and do more with your day.