The Focus Course

Today is Thursday

Get some breathing room in your day and finish the week a winner.

Ira Glass on Taste vs Talent

When trying to get moving toward a goal, project, business, etc. it can be frustrating. Especially so when you’re on the threshold of a new project and you see where you are right now and you compare it to where you hope to go, and it feels unsurmountable. Why spend a disproportionate amount of time

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Interview With Cal Newport: Deep Work and Focus

This is an episode of my podcast, Shawn Today, and I had the honor of talking with Cal Newport. Cal Newport is one of my favorite writers and thinkers. His book, So Good They Can’t Ignore You, was one of the most impactful books I read in 2015. And his brand new book, Deep Work,

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Why Margin is Critical for Doing Your Best Creative Work

Margin is so important because having that breathing room in your life is healthy. You need margin in your schedule, in your finances, and in your relationships. You need breathing room for your creative energy. Margin helps you show up every day to do and focus on your best creative work. And much more. Sometimes,

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Interview with Corbett Barr: Less Thinking, More Doing

In this podcast episode, I’m joined by very special guest, Corbett Barr. Corbett is the co-founder and CEO of Fizzle, an online business training resource plus community for indie entrepreneurs. In the show, Corbett and I discuss building an audience, building an online business, doing your best creative work over the long-run of a decades-long

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Margin for Creativity

In his book, Deep Work, Cal Newport states that as our information economy grows, there is an ever-increasing advantage for knowledge workers who are able to focus. His Deep Work Hypothesis is this: The ability to perform deep work is becoming increasingly rare at exactly the same time it is becoming increasingly valuable in our

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Give Your Day Some Breathing Room

I love how David Allen says that you can’t actually manage time. If you start with 5 minutes, there’s no way to manage it well enough that it will turn into 6 minutes. What you can do is manage how you spend your time. Which is more like time stewardship — because you alone are

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