The Focus Course

Using Focus as a Competitive Advantage

Claire and I discuss the difference between vision, values, and mission; what to do when you get a new idea; and Claire will also be gives advice to young entrepreneurs as well as seasoned-yet-overwhelmed entrepreneurs.

Highlights, Takeaways, and Quick Wins

Use focus as a competitive advantage

  • We choose to be relentlessly focused. What we decide to work on has to be the most important thing we could be working on at that given time. We don’t get distracted by a bunch of new, shiny ideas. We’re never spread thin across too many channels. We have complete clarity on what we’re doing. There is no room for stuff that doesn’t matter.

The difference between vision, values, and mission

  • Vision is where you’re going. Values are what you care about. Mission is why you exist. You need to know what these are so they can inform your long-term and short-term decisions and goals.

Advice to young entrepreneurs

  • You’ll get advice from both sides of an opinion. So you have to trust your gut and do what you know to be right for yourself, your company, and your customers.
  • Do as much as you can with what you have available to you now. This helps narrow the scope of options (so you don’t get overwhelmed) and it helps you move forward to do something you feel more confidence doing (because you’re taking a smaller step forward).

Advice to overwhelmed entrepreneurs

  • Focus on only the things that YOU can do. Automate/delegate or else eliminate everything else.

What to do when you get a new idea

  • Weigh the impact and the timing of that idea. Is it something you need to do right now? If not, then it doesn’t have to be urgent.
  • There’s nothing wrong with being patient. Don’t fear that you’re company is going to miss out.

“What’s the most I can do with what I have right now?” — @cjlew23


Claire Lew

Claire Lew

Claire is the CEO of Know Your Company, a software tool that helps CEOs and founders uncover insights into their company that they didn’t know before.


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