The Focus Course

Ownership Matrix


Using your Time Tracker, review all the activities and tasks from your week and place them into the Ownership Matrix.

Identify at least one thing that needs to be removed from your life (automate it, delegate it, eliminate it).

Download the worksheet

Download the Ownership Matrix Worksheet to complete the exercises.

Focusing on the Most Important (The Ownership Matrix)

Looking at your list of weekly activities and commitments from your workbook, place as many of those activities as you can into the Ownership Matrix below.

Ownership Matrix

Now, consider your normal, current weekly schedule. You can also look at your list of activities and commitments from your workbook… With that in mind are you allowing time to focus and grow in each of the six areas of your life?

Are you currently allowing time to focus and grow in each area of your life?

Complete the assessment in your workbook.

For any of the areas of your life that you are currently NOT giving regular time to focus and grow, why do you think that is?