The Focus Course

Focus Booster Simple Habits: Jan 2023

Coaching Call

Simple Habits

🚀 Focus Booster (Jan 17 – Feb 26)

Our first Booster is a community-led challenge to help you dial back on screen time and distractions while making space for one simple activity and habit that you want to do more of.

Step 1: Eliminate distractions and distracting apps that suck your time and attention

Step 2: Create a simple habit that moves you forward in an important goal

Step 3: Celebrate your progress and build momentum to keep things going!

Start with a Declutter, Build Habits along the Way

We Need Margin

Solidtude Deprivation
A state in which you spend close to zero time alone with your own thoughts and free from the input from other minds.

(Notes: Margin is a moving target and thus requires our attention on a yearly, monthly, weekly, and even daily basis. You can’t set it and forget it.)

(Notes: Two ways to restore margin, increase your limit, decrease your load. The digital declutter will do both.)

Philosophy of Technology Use

Digital Minimalism
A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.

Digital Declutter

The goal is to make lasting change for a simplified digital life. This isn’t just a break from social media or an excuse to ignore phone calls and texts. It’s a reevaluation of the technologies we allow in our life on a day-to-day basis. The declutter is a necessary detox to make clear decisions about our technology use without being influenced by our current default behaviors.


Simple Habits (Lifestyle Practices)

Nice work, !

Congrats on doing today’s assignment.
We’d love it if you shared your thoughts, feedback, or any other comments on the community forum