The Focus Course

Focus Booster: Choose a Habit to Change Your Life


How to Choose a Habit to Change Your Life

“We do not rise to the level of our goals,
we fall to the level of our systems.”
— James Clear

Habits and routines are like bowling alley bumpers that help us to keep moving forward in every area of our life even when we are busy, tired, and can only focus on one big thing at a time.

Habits and routines are valuable because goals don’t complete themselves.

Goals give you a direction to go. Your habits and routines will keep
you moving toward progress and results

By focusing on your habits, you’re able to focus on incremental improvement. And slowly, over time, your habits and disciplines become a source of joy and delight.

Know Where You’re Going (Goal)

In the Focus Course we set goals for the 6 areas of life. Our habits have an exponential impact on our life when we can directly connect them to our short and long term goals.

In 2023 LESS ______ MORE ________ (How can you do the MORE?)

What’s a goal or role that you want to see improvement?

Resource: Goal Setting Worksheets

Resource: Habit Ideation Worksheet

Why pick a habit for each area of your life?

Consider each of the following areas of your life, and what they may look like 5 years from now.

  1. Emotional and Spiritual Life
  2. Physical Health
  3. Relationships
  4. Career
  5. Finances
  6. Rest & Recreation (personal interests and down time)

A singular, small action will not produce significant results in the
short term. But, over time, small actions lead to big change.

Resource: Habit to Change Your Life PDF

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