The One About Goal Setting
Focus Club: Group Coaching Call
December 2017
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Time Stamps
- [1:40] – Today’s Topics
- [5:00] – Vague Goals
- [6:15] – Specific Goals
- [8:55] – Example Goals
- [11:05] – How do you reach your goals?
- [11:40] – Systems vs. Goals
- [16:15] – 4 Disciplines of Execution review
- [17:40] – Let your focus inform your leverage
- [18:40] – Let your desired outcome inform your system
- [22:45] – How do you align your system to move you toward your goal?
- [23:30] – What is one thing you want to do, be, or have someday?
- [24:53] – Based on your someday goal, what is one thing you can do 5 years from now that will put you on track to accomplish it?
- [25:45] – What is one thing you can do in the next year that will put you on track to accomplish your 5-year goal?
- [26:00] – What is one thing you can do in the next month that will put you on track to accomplish your 1-year goal?
- [26:19] – What is one thing you can do in the next week that will put you on track to accomplish your month’s goal?
- [26:35] – What is one thing you can do in the next day that will put you on track to accomplish your week’s goal?
- [27:03] – Review the process
- [28:51] – Quantitative and Qualitative
- [33:53] – What are some ways and techniques to make sure you stay true to your “values”? How can we prevent our “values” from being just words on a piece of paper and make sure they are truly integrated in our lives? — Justin
- Share them with your friends, family, etc.
- Once or twice per year (or more often if you prefer), assess how you are spending your time and energy to ensure it aligns with your values.
- Put your values up in places that you’ll encounter them often. Sticky notes on your car dashboard, refrigerator, bathroom mirror, closet door, etc.
- Create a lifestyle that is rooted on your vision and values. For example, one of my values is generosity, and so we have a set percentage that comes off the top of our business’ gross earnings and it goes right into a fund that is meant for charitable giving. It’s a system that helps ensure I’m keeping lockstep with one of my values.
- Get around people that support and share in your values. So, for example, if you value generosity, find folks who also care about generosity and avoid folks who are selfish.
- [39:46] – Morning routines should make you feel energized. Many rrecommend to drink water, exercise and good breakfast. They also recommend to work on your priority items first. But how does it work when you have a personal goals for which you can work on only after 8 hours of your day job? What can we do to still have focus and motivation? — David
- You can have an evening routine as well. When you come home from your 8-hour work day, be prepared for your evening and what you will do.
- Start small. Start with one thing, and do that consistently for a while, and then slowly add more things.
- It can help to have some sort of routine task that is simple and easy to do. Something you can do no matter how tired or bored or distracted you are. Such as brewing a cup of tea or writing freehand for 15 minutes or doing jumping jacks.
- This routine can turn into a sort of pavlovian event that helps you switch into “focus” mode and helps move you in to the projects and things you want to work on in the evening.
- Also, you can still have a morning routine that prepares your for the evening. If you cannot work on your priority item first thing, that is okay. But can you set aside 5 minutes in the morning to decide ahead of time what your priority item will be that you work on in the evening?
- [44:30] – My question is on reflection to plan for life changes. My oldest starts college in the fall and the youngest starts high school. In 5 years I will be facing a shift in lifestyle. What can I do today to help me better mentally prepare and plan for that future. — Lee
- Consider the practicals of what life will be like in 5 years, such as finances and health and age and things like that. It helps to get a picture of just the normal baseline of life. How many miles will be on your car. How many empty bedrooms will you have?
- What do you want your life to look like at that time? With your health, finances, relationships, etc.
- And, again, here’s a page right out of the Focus Course, module 2 that we hit on just a few minutes ago….
- For the various areas of your life, what is one thing you want to do, be, or have in 5 years from now when your kids are all out of the house?
- Based on that goal, what is the one thing you can do in the next year that will put you on track to accomplish it?
- Based on that 1-year goal, what is the one thing you can do in the next month that will put you on track to accomplish it?
- Based on that one-month goal, what is the one thing you can do in the next week that will put you on track to accomplish it?
- Based on that one-week goal, what is the one thing you can do today that will put you on track to accomplish it?
h4>Nice work, !