Other courses and training on time management and productivity often center on how to get more done in less time. But that only helps with efficiency.
People who measure success by the quantity of things they get done will never win. There are ALWAYS more new things to do.
You don't need more time...
You need more focus.
When you lack focus in one area of your life then it bleeds over into all the other areas, too.
Making it difficult to find clarity or gain traction in anything at all.
But, conversely, when you get focused in one area, then it leads the way for the next. As you
bring one thing into alignment then you'll find a momentum and an ease for the next thing, and
the next, and so on.
If you're breathing then you probably have areas of your life that are not getting the attention
they deserve. And no doubt there are certain areas which dominate your time and energy
(perhaps, unfortunately, to the detriment of others).
When you're unable to give time to the things that matter most, it's frustrating.
You may think the solution is to find more time. But if you've ever tried to squeeze in more time just to try and get ahead of that never ending task list, then you probably know that it's an un-
winnable game (yet so many people play it anyway).
Louder for the people in the back: you don't need more time... you need more focus.

When you’re over toward the left on the “un-focused” side of things, you don't feel in control. It's stressful. You don't feel like there is any breathing room. And you're so frequently responding to the urgent issues of others that you lack any clear plan forward.
However, when you are on the “focused” side, you are very much in control. You have clear goals and you have the time and energy you need to meet those goals. You are far less stressed and anxious than your reactive counterpart. You're thriving.
When was the last time you had an hour of uninterrupted, focused work time?
- How long have you been trying to gain traction on your projects?
- How many hours of your day are you spending on things that truly matter?
- Are your relationships strained because of work or side projects?
- When was the last time you had the chance to truly rest and recharge?
Consider how liberating it will be when you have clarity about your life’s vision, values, and goals — when your short-term projects are moving you toward your big goals.
You can get more organized and back in control. For you, it may not be a crisis right now. But even a little but of friction in your day can wear on you over time.
A lack of control and no clear focus may already be costing you far more than you know.
Buy Now: The Focus Course
Are there areas of your life that don’t get the attention you want them to? Of course there are. And it’s easy to get stressed out about it.
When our actions and behaviors don’t line up with our vision and values, it can cause stress and frustration. We feel tension when we find ourselves spending time on things we don’t really want to be doing, yet we feel helpless to do anything else.
You know what’s awesome? When your actions and behaviors align with your vision and values.
There’s a huge misconception that says you should be giving your full attention to every area of your life. Well, if you’ve ever tried, you know it’s just not possible.
There is no way you can deploy your full attention to your health, your relationships, your finances, your career, your personal hobbies, and your inner personal life all at the same time.
You and I only have enough mental and emotional strength to focus on just one, maybe two areas of our life at a time. Like really focus on them. The other areas simply can’t get our full attention.
And but so, what do you do with those other areas of your life? You certainly don’t want to leave them out in the cold — you can’t just ignore them.
The secret is in a little thing called routine.
By establishing healthy habits and routines for every area of your life, then you’re able to keep them on track even without giving them your full attention.
It’s a way to keep all of your life on track and in balance, no matter the season. It’s a way to ensure you’re not giving an unhealthy amount of time to one area at the detriment to the other areas of your life.
Think about some of the most accomplished and successful people you know.
Not in terms of the most well-off or well-known. I mean, who are the people you look up to as mentors and role models? Who do you know that has it all together?
Do you notice how they always know what’s next for them? They’ve got something they’re working towards, and they always seem to get things done.
They have a confidence and motivation that is more than just a personality type. Because it’s a confidence based on focus and clarity. They have a direction and know how to get there.
Good news! Diligence and focus are not a personality type. Focus is a skill you can learn (and continually improve).
And that’s exactly what I teach you in The Focus Course. You will walk away with the ability to focus on the areas of life that matter most to you, while still maintaining a healthy balance in the others. This is how the most successful people maintain breathing room in their daily life while also being so prolific and productive.
Margin: How to shift from overloaded to breathing. The necessity of breathing room and margin, and the only two approaches that work to restore it.
The 5 Components of a Focused Life: The overarching framework of The Focus Course.
The 4-Focus Method: My simple flywheel that I use to stay perpetually focused and productive in every area of life — for big projects and areas of responsibility, all the way down down to the small tasks each day.
Schedule-Value Fit and how to spend your time on more of the right things more often.
The 8 Laws of Focus and how to use them maintain your clarity and your direction.
What motivates you: balancing the roles in your life with your core values; drafting out your life's mission.
The Ownership Matrix: A tool that helps you cut back on the tasks and activities that are pulling you away from the more important things so you can eliminate or delegate your low-level tasks, and double down on the important things that only you can do.
Personal Integrity: The critical ability everyone needs in order to keep commitments to themselves and follow through with their goals and routines.
Success Strategies: How is it that focused people get (most of) the right things done day after day (most of the time)? (Hint: We don't get it perfect every day all the time. But we have a way to stay on track, even when we lose motivation or have a bad week.)
A simple task and time management approach that keeps you on track and can work with any type of app, tool, or schedule.
Cornerstone Habits and the connection between your big, desired outcomes and your small, daily actions.
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